New Forms of Publication

Writing History in the Digital Age

Where is the collaboration if everyone just puts their texts on the net and tells other people to tell them what they are doing wrong?

What is the best way for scholarly peer-reviewing?

Open Journal System (OJS)
Directory of open access journals

Storia delle Donne: peer-review journal on woman studies, is using OJS.

Hacking the Academy

Will we stop using paper copies i in the future? How do we cite if we stop using page numbers?
same system as in the bible?

Journals can help to structure your work (perception) in that they appear in a certain interval

Why publish something online AND on paper?
What kind of work is adequate for online publication?

Paragraphnumbers in order to cite correctly. See –> scholars are not used to this, they think of page numbers, not paragraphs.

La Revue d’Anthropologie des connaissance possède à la fois une version en ligne sur CAIRN avec numérotation des paragraphes et des PDFs avec numéros de pages ! Et publie un volume papier par année avec l’ensemble des articles publiés en ligne.

People seem to need paper copies in order to see (“feel”) that the journal really exists.

Financing the infrastructure: A major problem.

The process for a paper to be peer-reviewed and published takes a lot of time (Clara: 6months) so this does not represent the current state of research

Blog University Zurich Prehistoric Archaeology: Publishing current work on sites: experiment from last semester: Blog zu „Silvretta historica“
why do students like to go through the real journals instead of reading them only online
But do they all? –> I do not think it to be true In my experience especially for journals, I prefer the online version

Launching a new journal is also about power, reputation, academic career strategy, to try to create new paradigms or get a chair in a university
There is a shift in university away from monographs to peer-review articles.
If you haven’t published in high-ranked journals you’re out (although you might have written several books)

The erotics of paper: What will happen to the website? Will the link work in the future? What happens if you quote these websites and links?
But what can happen to books? (Fire, Water, Theft…)
Bibliothèque Nationale can store websites/links for you if you ask for it

Researcher experience: “When I write on the internet, on my blog, I quote a lot of online sources, but when I write for a printed publication, I can’t get myself to quote online sources”

Permalinks: High standard. It should be ensured, that links will direct you to the right source, even years later.

How long is forever in the digital age?

How to make a archive of an application?

Three-dimensional papers
Kairos (peer-reviewed journal): each article is an application in itself Le blog d’un maître de conférences en sciences de l’information.

Online publication would enable us to correct mistakes and add new content to existing papers

What about copyright? different national legislation e.gpictures
Willingness to publish in less known or less high ranked papers is lacking?

Impact factor has a growing impact on the Academy even in the humanities. Funders pressure scholars to publish in high impact-factor journal.
But in Switzerland, we don’t have even one high impact factor journal in Humanities ! And other journals will maybe not publish your work on Switzerland (small country and so on)

Universities will urge their phd students to publish in peer reviewed journals (pressure), which can keep them from participating them in other networks, blogging etc.
When will they be able to do research?
phd-students as ‘eierlegende wollmilchsau’
But can they still do without dh-stuff or will it slow their academic careers down?

When you get your chair you can do what you want (eva/sacha)

Where are we going? Where do we want to go? What could happen?

Linking as one of the real changes of a new interface of papers

Blogs as a means of networking, communicating instead of more traditional ways like publishing in journals, conferences etc.
–> goes also for an unconference… knowing new people and new ideas

problems: reputation of online publishing, impact factor of online publications, who is the audience of online publications

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